Monday, December 7, 2009

Tips for Healthy Living

It is Christmas season,a time to wine and dine.
It is time again to watch our habits. Here are tips to help you
stay healthy even after the season:

Avoid the obvious such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats (i.e. pork, bacon, ham, salami, ribs and sausage).
Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions.
Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts.
Most are available in lower fat versions such as substitute butter, fat free cheeses and mayonnaise.
Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body.
Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs, is not only a fitness tool, it is a stress buster.
It does not have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobic dance class or kickboxing. However, that is great when you are up to it.
Meanwhile, move more and keep fit so that you can celebrate more Christams
…. " He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything." -Arabian Proverb

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Healthy Skin is a Delight

Achieving the smooth and flawless skin seems impossible to most of us. Many of us have been misled by beauty product advertisements and have the perception that good skin care means we need to spend lots of money on the latest wrinkle reducing, complexion clearing lotions and potions.
The truth is good skin care does not have to be expensive, or daunting.
You need just a little efforts to work on some habits that could have adverse
effect on your skin
Here are some tips that may not cost you money;
>Keep your skin clean.
It is considered to be one of the most important makeup tips you can get from any professional. Also makeup looks better or a healthy skin rather than a dull one. So make sure you have a very good skin and you take care of it the right way.
>Try to keep your hands and hair away from your face.
Many people have a bad habit of keep touching their face, nose or chin. This allows bacteria to build up. The bacteria results in inflamed skin and you surely would not like it. Even if they touch the face make sure they are clean and washed. Tidiness is very important. The dandruff in the hair should be washed up as soon as possible
>Exercise also helps in having a glowing skin.
Do it daily. Exercise and sweat out all the toxins out of your body. It helps to maintain a good blood circulation and thus providing you a glowing and wonderful skin.
>Watch what you eat too.
Your diet is also very essential in achieveing a smooth and flawless skin.For a good skin, leafy vegetables should be eaten aplenty. A lot and lot of water help too. In addition to this, it would be beneficial to go for facial once in a while. In the diet, oily stuff should be avoided as much as possible. Consumption of alcohol is also considered bad for skin. These foods actually trigger acne off your skin. Fresh fruits and juices are also good for skin. Whenever you are hungry do not go for street food but rather go for some fruits. Prefer fruits over snacks.
Keep a date for more post.Health is wealth.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Who Says Obesity is Abuse?

Weird question huh? I mean of course you know obesity is bad – even being moderately overweight increases your risk of contracting numerous health concerns.

Your chances of dying from a heart attack or stroke sky rocket as do your odds of developing other serious – even life threatening health issues.

Not to mention the amount of extra poundage you carry around your mid section directly influences your body’s ability to perform physical functions and maintain a healthy functioning immune system.

So most of us try to do what we can to stay in the best shape reasonably possible. And the ones that don’t – well that’s their problem right?

Live and let live that’s always been their advice. But what are we to do as a society when the obese party turns out to be an 8 year old boy who at this tender age already tips the scales at over 217 pounds?
Now I don’t really want to turn this into a political discussion – or a debate on the powers the state has over our personal decisions. But it does beg the question – are any of us guilty of the same kind of abuse.

And I’m not just talking about the care you take in molding your own children’s or even your grandchildren’s health habits. I’m worried you might be abusing yourself.

A Healthy Diet and regular exercise are two of the most critical factors in maintaining a lean healthy physique, a tireless circulatory system,and as we get a little older the two become a crucial factor in our ability to perform physical functions

Not to mention a proper diet combined with regular exercise is the surest path to a 100 candles on your birthday cake. It’s one path I really hope you are following.

It’s Good to Know…
Obesity is defined as an excess proportion of total body fat. A person is technically considered obese when his or her total weight is 20% or more above their ideal weight.

The most common measure for obesity is the body mass index (BMI). You are considered overweight if your BMI is between 25 and 29.9 – you are considered obese if your BMI is over 30. If your BMI is 40 points of higher you are classified as “morbidly obese”.
You can check the blog achives for older articles on health tips.
I assure you, quite intereting....Remember Health is Wealth

Stay Healthy

Thursday, November 19, 2009

More on Healthy Skin

Good Skin Care Tips
Achieving the smooth and flawless skin seems impossible to most of us. Many of us have been misled by beauty product advertisements and have the perception that good skin care means we need to spend lots of money on the latest wrinkle reducing, complexion clearing lotions and potions. The truth is good skin care does not have to be expensive, or daunting.
Here are some of the basic good skin care tips to help you achieve the perfect skin that every person can dream of:
Balanced Diet
One of the keys to good skin care is a balanced diet. Your skin reflects the general health of your body, and nutrient deficiency will definitely affect your complexion. A lack of protein can manifest in a dull and dry complexion; shortage of vitamin C may result in dullness and easy bruising; lacking of vitamin A can cause dry skin and disruption in cellular turn-over. A deficiency in iron can produce pale complexion, and a vitamin B deficiency may lead to breakout, pallor and cracks at the corner of the mouth.
Regular Exercise
Another important aspect of good skin care is regular exercise. During an exercise, blood circulation is boosted and oxygen is delivered to every cell in our body which allow nutrients to be absorbed quicker. This creates a short term effect that reflects glowing complexion. Besides, exercising helps to improve skin elasticity and encourage new cell growth.
Enough Rest and Sleep
Sleeping is important for good skin care. As you sleep, the body rests and repairs the damage done during the day by producing new cells or healing the damaged ones. Sleep deprived people have lower levels of growth hormone that influences specific skin-growth factors like collagen and keratin production. Nobody can deny sleeping is an important factor for good skin care as most of us have experienced what lack of sleep can do to our eyes and complexion.
Keep a date with us for more tips on healthy Skin
Remember, Health is Wealth
Stay Healthy

More on Healthy Skin

Good Skin Care Tips
    Achieving the smooth and flawless skin seems impossible to most of us. Many of us have been misled by beauty product advertisements and have the perception that good skin care means we need to spend lots of money on the latest wrinkle reducing, complexion clearing lotions and potions. The truth is good skin care does not have to be expensive, or daunting.
Here are some of the basic good skin care tips to help you achieve the perfect skin that every person can dream of:
Balanced Diet
One of the keys to good skin care is a balanced diet. Your skin reflects the general health of your body, and nutrient deficiency will definitely affect your complexion. A lack of protein can manifest in a dull and dry complexion; shortage of vitamin C may result in dullness and easy bruising; lacking of vitamin A can cause dry skin and disruption in cellular turn-over. A deficiency in iron can produce pale complexion, and a vitamin B deficiency may lead to breakout, pallor and cracks at the corner of the mouth.
Regular Exercise
Another important aspect of good skin care is regular exercise. During an exercise, blood circulation is boosted and oxygen is delivered to every cell in our body which allow nutrients to be absorbed quicker. This creates a short term effect that reflects glowing complexion. Besides, exercising helps to improve skin elasticity and encourage new cell growth.
Enough Rest and Sleep
Sleeping is important for good skin care. As you sleep, the body rests and repairs the damage done during the day by producing new cells or healing the damaged ones. Sleep deprived people have lower levels of growth hormone that influences specific skin-growth factors like collagen and keratin production. Nobody can deny sleeping is an important factor for good skin care as most of us have experienced what lack of sleep can do to our eyes and complexion.
Keep date for more tips. Remember Health is wealth

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Healthy Skin

Many people use infinite methods to keep their skin healthy. They take many drastic steps and do just about anything. Well actually there is no such need for these methods. One should always be ready to change his way of living and avoid their bad eating habits. For good skin it is necessary to have a nutritious and healthy diet.

Skin care is not only for special occasions but also for personal hygiene and wellbeing. There are numerous beauty care products available in the market that are very reasonable and do no harm to your skin. They are good for sensitive skin as well and are effective on acne too. However if it irritates you then it is better to stop using that product. There are usually no strong ingredients in these products.

For a good skin, leafy vegetables should be eaten aplenty. A lot and lot of water help too. In addition to this, it would be beneficial to go for facial once in a while. In the diet, oily stuff should be avoided as much as possible. Consumption of alcohol is also considered bad for skin. These foods actually trigger acne off your skin. Fresh fruits and juices are also good for skin. Whenever you are hungry do not go for street food but rather go for some fruits. Prefer fruits over snacks.

Exercise also helps in having a glowing skin. Do it daily. Exercise and sweat out all the toxins out of your body. It helps to maintain a good blood circulation and thus providing you a glowing and wonderful skin.

Try to keep your hands and hair away from your face. Many people have a bad habit of keep touching their face, nose or chin. This allows bacteria to build up. The bacteria results in inflamed skin and you surely would not like it. Even if they touch the face make sure they are clean and washed. Tidiness is very important. The dandruff in the hair should be washed up as soon as possible.

Keeping your skin clean is very essential for applying makeup too. It is considered to be one of the most important makeup tips you can get from any professional. Also makeup looks better or a healthy skin rather than a dull one. So make sure you have a very good skin and you take care of it the right way.

Please keep a date with us for more tips. r
Remember health is wealth

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Healthy Hablits

Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active.
This makes sense .. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals ..not cold water.
Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain...For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed . It will slow down the digestion.Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.A serious note about heart attacks: Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting.Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this message sends it to everyone they know, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life.
Stay healthy and keep a date with us for more tips.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Healthy Habits

How much water do you need a day?

Water is an important structural component of skin cartilage, tissues and organs. For human beings, every part of the body is dependent on water. Our body comprises about 75% water: the brain has 85%, blood is 90%, muscles are 75%, kidney is 82% and bones are 22% water. The functions of our glands and organs will eventually deteriorate if they are not nourished with good, clean water

The average adult loses about 2.5 litres water daily through perspiration, breathing and elimination. Symptoms of the body's deterioration begins to appear when the body loses 5% of its total water volume. In a healthy adult, this is seen as fatigue and general discomfort, whereas for an infant, it can be dehydrating. In an elderly person, a 5% water loss causes the body chemistry to become abnormal, especially if the percentage of electrolytes is overbalanced with sodium.One can usually see symptoms of aging, such as wrinkles, lethargy and even disorientation. Continuous water loss over time will speed up aging as well as increase risks of diseases.
If your body is not sufficiently hydrated, the cells will draw water from your bloodstream, which will make your heart work harder. At the same time, the kidneys cannot purify blood effectively. When this happens, some of the kidney's workload is passed on to the liver and other organs, which may cause them to be severely stressed. Additionally, you may develop a number of minor health conditions such as constipation, dry and itchy skin, acne, nosebleeds, urinary tract infection, coughs, sneezing, sinus pressure, and headaches.

So, how much water is enough for you? The minimum amount of water you need depends on your body weight. A more accurate calculation, is to drink an ounce of water for every two pounds of body weight.

More tips to keep you health. Please keep a date with us