Having a glowing and beautiful skin is a dream of everyone.Achieving the smooth and flawless skin seems impossible to most of us.
Many of us have been misled by beauty product advertisements and have the perception that good skin care means we need to spend lots of money on the latest wrinkle reducing, complexion clearing lotions and potions.
The truth is good skin care does not have to be expensive, or daunting.
Here are some of the basic good skin care tips to help you achieve the perfect skin that every person can dream of:
BALANCED DIET: One of the keys to good skin care is a balanced diet. Your skin reflects the general health of your body, and nutrient deficiency will definitely affect your complexion. A lack of protein can manifest in a dull and dry complexion; shortage of vitamin C may result in dullness and easy bruising; lacking of vitamin A can cause dry skin and disruption in cellular turn-over. A deficiency in iron can produce pale complexion, and a vitamin B deficiency may lead to breakout, pallor and cracks at the corner of the mouth.
REGULAR EXERCISE: Another important aspect of good skin care is regular exercise. During an exercise, blood circulation is boosted and oxygen is delivered to every cell in our body which allow nutrients to be absorbed quicker. This creates a short term effect that reflects glowing complexion .Besides, exercising helps to improve skin elasticity and encourage new cell growth.
EMOUGH REST AND SLEEP: Sleeping is important for good skin care .As you sleep, the body rests and repairs the damage done during the day by producing new cells or healing the damaged ones. Sleep deprived people have lower levels of growth hormone that influences specific skin-growth factors like collagen and keratin production. Nobody can deny sleeping is an important factor for good skin care as most of us have experienced what lack of sleep can do to our eyes and complexion
Next we shall be discussing variousm skin types.So keep a date with us for more tips