Diet and Exercise are Keys to Healthy Living You should have known all this.
So our aim is to give you the shortcuts,
the little-known tricks and proven methods to help prevent boredom and
hopelessness in your quest for good health.
Our high tech world has advanced in the fitness field also.
In fact, so fast that we want to get the information out to you yesterday. That's what the Health and Fitness Tips Site is all about…the latest up-to-the-minute-in-the-zone information for your health and fitness
1. Start each meal with a salad or plate of steamed vegetables
2. Replace sugars with Splenda
3. Replace oils in baking with applesauce
4. Don't go to the grocery and super mart store hungry
5. Exercise your brain. Read, study, solve problems, and learn new skills. As does the body, the brain atrophies with lack of use.
6. Keep a pair of athletic shoes in your car so you can always be ready for a walk
Remember, health is more than wealth. Keep a date with us for more health abd fitness tips.